Dr. Nwogwugwu Ngozi Ursulla Science
Discipline: Science
- Thesis title:
Bioconversion of Reducing Sugars in Calabash Crescentia Cujete and Fluted Pumpkin Pulps to Ethanol (Telfaria Occidentalis Hook.F)
Contribution to knowledge:
The study determined that Calabash and Fluted Pumpkin pulp juices have reducing sugars. It also discovered that Phytochemicals such as tannins, phenols and saponins are found in the fruit pulps of Calabash and Fluted Pumpkin. The study showed further that Cronobacter malonaticus could be isolated from rotten oranges. It also showed that Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Cronobacter malonaticus can grow and convert these pulp juices to bioethanol. Finally, the study determined that the creation of bioethanol by these microorganisms from Calabash and Fluted Pumpkin pulp juices could take place on an array of pH and temperature, with
a set volume of inoculum.
Dr. Nwogwugwu, Ngozi Ursulla,was jointly supervised by Prof. Gideon O. Abu (Department of Microbiology) & Prof. Onyewuchi Akaranta (Department of Chemistry) both of the University of Port Harcourt.